#152 - Leslie E Smith gets real about Funding your Businesses Dreams
Leslie led the launch of Silver Hill Funding as well as Commercial Direct, and oversees sales and operations for the entire small-balance commercial lending division. She has been instrumental in driving productivity and growth for nearly a decade within the Bayview organization. Leslie’s key contributions include building a banker education program, managing the top 50 correspondent relationships, and leading expansion into international markets, as well as overseeing Project Management, Vendor Management and Process Engineering groups within Bayview Loan Servicing.
Linkedin – https://www.linkedin.com/in/leslieeborjas
Twitter – https://twitter.com/CommDirectLoans
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/CommercialDirectLending/
Youtube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzXoV851O4pxDnuWQ7KGfug
Website – https://silverhillfunding.com/leslie-e-smith/
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