Creating EPIC Graphics for Your Business
Today we’ll be talking about the best tips and tricks on how to create stunning graphics for your business’s social media pages, infographics, advertisements, billboards, etc.! It may seem like a daunting task at first but have no fear! After you are finished reading this article you be well equipped to tackle this endeavor with great success.
1. Pay Attention to The Core Values & Themes of Your Business: You want your graphics to reflect that, if you have a business that is dedicated to fitness you don’t want to go and post quotes about love on your pages and vice versa. The first step is to figure out what types of content and quotes most closely match your business’s core philosophies. We also take this into consideration when considering the visuals, we are looking to use for our posts. If your business focuses on beach attire, you wouldn’t want to pick a visual that depicts a city’s skyline for your post as it just doesn’t match your product or theme you want to show consumers.
2. What Program are You Going to Use: For programs available to create beautiful graphics we have a couple very high-quality options that come to mind. The first being Canva, which allows you to choose from hundreds of templates, fonts, shapes, pic art, combined with an easy to use format gives you all you need to create an amazing image that will be an accurate visual representation of your business’s core principles. Another viable option is the program Adobe Spark, which allows for professional level quality visuals, and loads of customization options, it does require a bit more practice to become proficient with, as the interface is not quite as user friendly as Canva’s is. There are many other programs available across the web, but these are the two we have personally had the most success with.
3. Get Creative: The most important thing about creating graphics for your business though is to remember to fully express your creativity, trying different color combinations, visuals backgrounds, fonts, and font sizes, there is many different routes you can go. Perhaps come up with some type of weekly post, of a certain style of visual.
We hope that this post has been an enlightening experience on how easy it can be to create beautiful visuals for your business.